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Here is what some of our clients have to say.

Australia Belgium Brazil Canada Costa Rica Germany The Netherlands Philippines United Kingdom United States

"I've been a happy user of MultiTes for the last four years and have successfully employed it in a range of projects. The largest was the maintenance and updating of the third edition of the Australian Thesaurus of Education Descriptors (ACER, 2003) where it easily and effectively managed the relationships and structures in a thesaurus of just under 10,000 terms. MultiTes furthermore was useful in the creation of the print edition through its reporting facilities. I recently recommended its purchase and use for the redevelopment of the Victoria Online taxonomy, a 3-tiered taxonomy structuring a State government portal, and find it an invaluable tool in relationship management for both traditional thesauri and online taxonomies."

Anna Gifford
Information Professional
Melbourne, Australia


"We have been using MultiTes for more than five years for courses like Subject Indexing, Thesaurus Building, and Knowledge Management."

Karel Vannueten
Library and Information Science School in Ghent
(Bibliotheekschool Gent)


"Utilizo o MultiTes, como ferramenta de trabalho para elaboração de Tesauros Temáticos desde 1998. O software em suas várias versões vem atendendo todas as necessidades de estruturação de termos com agilidade e eficiência, independente da quantidade de termos. O MultiTes apresenta flexibilidade na criação de bases terminológicas permitindo delimitações diferenciadas para bases distintas. A atual versão (MultiTes Pro) atendeu plenamente minhas expectativas técnicas e tecnológicas. A versão é interativa, rápida e de fácil utilização. O resultado do relatório em HTML é limpo, claro e bem definido, gerando pesquisas rápidas e exatas."

Wanda Lucia Schmidt
Especialista em Linguagem Documentária
INFOTHES Informação e Tesauro Ltda
São Paulo - SP - Brasil


"I've been using MultiTes for over a decade in a graduate-level indexing course in the School of Library, Archival and Information Studies at the University of British Columbia. Based on evaluating a variety of thesaurus software over the years, MultiTes is by far the best on the market, and as well has very well constructed and maintained user documentation. My students find it easy to use to create sophisticated print and web-based thesauri for both textual documents as well as object-based collections."

Mary Sue Stephenson, Ph.D.
Chair, MLIS Program
School of Library, Archival and Information Studies
The University of British Columbia
Vancouver, BC, Canada


"La herramienta MultiTes se ha convertido en el complemento perfecto de la norma ISO para la Construcción de Tesauros Monolingües o en varios idiomas. He tenido la oportunidad de utilizar el software MultiTes en aplicaciones académicas, incorporando esta aplicación en los Cursos de Construcción de Tesauros dictados por la suscrita en el marco de la empresa CONPROLAT S.A. y en el desarrollo específico de Tesauros sobre todo en el campo de la contratación administrativa en la Contraloría General de la República de Costa Rica."

María Lourdes Flores De La Fuente
Costa Rica


„Seitdem ich in 2001 zum ersten Mal MultiTes ausprobiert habe, weiß ich dieses verlässliche Programm zur Entwicklung von Thesauri und anderen kontrollierten Vokabularen zu schätzen. MultiTes bietet zahlreiche nützliche Ein- und Ausgabe- sowie Bearbeitungs-Optionen; die neueste Version MultiTes 2005 ist sogar XML-fähig, was ein Zusammenspiel mit Datenbanken sehr erleichtert. Alles in allem ein sehr empfehlenswertes Tool mit einem sehr guten Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis.“

Jochen Fassbender


"We have been in thesaurus construction since the 1980's and selected MultiTes after a profound review of thesaurus tools in 2000. As we continuously develop new products from our thesaurus we also need new functionalities from MultiTes to support them. Through the years Multisystems has been very helpful in building new features to facilitate us in serving our customers with tailor made micro-thesauri and other keyword-products."

Raffaela Vlot
Thesaurus Zorg en Welzijn (Care and Welfare)
Utrecht - The Netherlands
Thesaurus Zorg en Welzijn www.thesauruszorgenwelzijn.nl
Thesaurus Zorg en Welzijn (for professionals) multites.net/thesauruszorgenwelzijn/


"Thesaurus construction is one of the topics we teach in our courses on indexing and abstracting and information analysis. We encountered your thesaurus software online and we thought of using this system for our class projects on thesaurus construction. We find the software and the manual very helpful."

Prof. Rosalie B. Faderon
University of the Philippines Institute of Library and Information Science
Diliman, Quezon City, PHILIPPINES


"After months of testing different online thesaurus tools during 2002, we decided that MultiTes was the one for us. We have been using the dynamic CGI version of MultiTes since January 2003, and have found it to be basic yet robust; simple yet intuitive; and best of all, inexpensive yet superior value for money. If you are after a tool that is proficient, interoperable, flexible and effective, then look no further: MultiTes is an indispensable aide in the world of thesaurus construction."

Astero Kanaris and Marta Colonge-Contreras
Health Development Agency
London, United Kingdom
National Public Health Language Thesaurus www.nphl.nhs.uk


"I have been searching for a thesaurus management tool that would aid me in the development of multiple taxonomies within a single structure and export in XML. When I researched the market, I saw MultiTes recommended more than any other package. After reviewing its price structure and available tutorial, I was sold."

Lydia Bauer
Content Librarian
H&R Block
United States


"I've been using MultiTes for several years to create thesauri for my journal indexes and have found it quite useful. I just started to use the new release, MultiTes 2005 Pro, and everything from data entry to reports, including output in HTML or XML, and importing of text files is much simpler and more intuitive. It's definitely worth checking out if you're in the market for thesaurus software."

Carolyn Weaver
Weaver Indexing Service
United States


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